Becoming a
Sister of Providence
Religious Life is a form of Consecrated Life where an individual makes public profession of the evangelical counsels also known as the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. In other congregations, the vows may be more than the three named above, depending on the needs of that congregation. For us Sisters of Providence, we profess only the three vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. Our fidelity to these vows are our witness to the Church and to the world of our simple lifestyle for the wellness of all of Creation, our obedience to the will of God, and our love for God and for all of God’s people.
The Sisters of Providence is an apostolic (active) community. Our apostolic or active life means that we are present among God’s people outside of our convents, actively ministering to the societies where we are based. However, contemplative practice is crucial to living a consecrated life to God. Hence, we strive to be contemplative in action — being fully aware of the strokes or movements of Providence in everything we do or experience.
In addition to our active ministries, another characteristic of being in Religious Life is living a communal life. As such, we willingly and joyfully choose to let go of our personal preferences to generously accommodate the common good of our community.

The Journey Begins with Discernment
One's vocation is a journey and a discernment. It begins by being open to the leading of the Holy Spirit through and in prayers. The journey also involves praying and having dialogue with Religious Sisters.

Initial Contact with Vocation Director
Attending discernment retreats or directly contacting a vocation director who can journey with an individual is usually the first step to finding out if Religious Life is where one may be called to.
To come and to see how Sisters live, work, play, and pray together gives one a glimpse into the everyday life of a Religious woman which stirs a person to ask herself, "is this a life I see for myself?" More importantly, she asks herself, "is this the life or the community God is calling me to?"
The Stages of Formation to Religious Life
The call to Religious Life is unique to each individual. Each vocation story has its own beauty and mark of challenges. Nevertheless, each aspiring woman who is seriously discerning her call to Religious Life in our community must go through the different stages of initial formation before becoming a perpetually professed Sister of Providence.
Each stage has its own adaptability according to the needs of each person while staying true to the tradition and requirements of the community. Discernment to Religious Life is never an individual discernment, it is always a communal discernment.

Candidacy or Pre-Novitiate is traditionally known as "Postulancy". When one is accepted as a Candidate, she begins to live full-time in a community and she learns to live like a Sister. A Candidate in our community receives the Breviary along with the medal of St. Vincent de Paul and Our Mother of Sorrows.

Temporary Vows
When a Novice professes her first vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, she becomes a Temporary Vowed Sister of Providence. On her First Vows, a Sister receives the necklace with a cross designed with the image of Mary struck with seven swords (Our Mother of Sorrows) and she also receives a black "My Only Hope Cross".

Novitiate is the stage where one becomes an official member of the Congregation. Novitiate is two-fold: the Canonical year and the Apostolic year. In Canonical year, a Novice learns about the Vows and the history of the Congregation. In Apostolic year, she is immersed in mission and ministry. When one enters Novitiate, she receives the P pin, the insignia of our Congregation and the Constitutions and Rules of the Congregation.

Perpetual Vows
A Temporary Vowed Sister may ask for perpetual vows after 3 years of temporary vows or up to 6 years. When a Sister professes her final/perpetual vows, she receives a ring engraved with "JMJ" (Jesus, Mary, Joseph) inside. She will then be committed to the Congregation and to the Church forever as a Sister of Providence.
Sr. Rezebeth's
Perpetual Vows Ceremony
Sr. Serena's
Novitiate Journey

is for YOU?
Contact our Vocation Director, Sister Mae Valdez, for a one-to-one accompaniment to find out if Religious Life is where God is calling you to.